Kaiser Newsletter, August 23, 2024

Posted August 23, 2024

Hello Amazing Kaiser Families,

Welcome to all our new and returning families. I hope you all had the most amazing summer and I am extremely excited to begin the 2024-2025 school year.

First of all I would like to thank everyone for selecting Kaiser as your school for your child/children to attend. It is truly my honor to be in service to you and your family. Please know that I am here for everyone. Please feel free to call the main office (720-424-6211) to schedule a time to meet with me or email me at laura_vasta@dpsk12.net if you need anything at all.

As we embrace the new school year I would like to address the following things; student safety and attendance.

Student Safety is my number one PRIORITY, as I do not take it lightly that you are trusting the Kaiser staff and me to ensure your child/children are safe every single day. In order to keep everyone safe we need to all lean into the safety policies at Kaiser. I hope that as you drop off and pick up your child/children you notice that there are a lot of adults wearing bright yellow safety vests. This is so that you and the students know who is a safe person at Kaiser. Also, the staff parking lot is exactly that the staff/handicap parking lot. I hope you have noticed my presence at the entrance of the parking lot. Parents, this is for the SAFETY of our children, the parking lot is not a kiss and go and kiddos run through there all the time not thinking, because they are kids and I will do everything to ensure that no child is hit by a car in a parking lot. So please do not yell at me or staff that are ensuring our students safety. If you have a placard you will be let in, please park in a parking spot and do not stop in the middle of the parking lot or make your own spot, this is how accidents happen.

We always welcome visitors into the building, and we also have to ensure that everyone in the building is a safe person. You must ALWAYS come to the main office first, with your drivers license and get a badge. If any staff sees anyone in our building without a badge they will be sent to the office.

And finally, as a district we are focusing on attendance this year. It’s important for families to know that we do not go by days missed we go by minutes missed, so please have your child/children here everyday (unless they are sick of course), on time and stays the entire day. Minutes add up quickly and we want every moment we can possibly have with your child/children to ensure they get the best education possible. Starting on Monday if your child arrives after 7:40 *second bell they will need to check in with the office to receive a tardy pass. Please, let’s all try to get our kids here on time to start the day out on a good note.

I am looking forward to the most amazing year!!

In Partnership, Mrs. Vasta

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