April 14, 2023
Please remember that next week 3rd, 4th and 5th graders willbe taking ELA CMAS Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. It isvery important that all students are here on time next week. Ifstudents are late they will have to go to a…Continue Reading
April 14, 2023
Happy Friday. Just wanted to remind all our 3-5 grade parentsthat we will be beginning our CMAS testing the week of March20th so please make sure your child is here on time and gets agood night sleep the night before.…Continue Reading
April 14, 2023
I would like to just remind everyone again that I take safetyvery seriously and have been noticing more and more parentsdriving through the parking lot to drop off and pick you yourchildren. Please know this can be so unsafe as…Continue Reading
April 14, 2023
I wanted to take a moment to clarify some issues that you might have seen in themedia or on the news.As you know, Kaiser is a small school. We have around 184 students projected ingrades K-5 for the 23/24 school…Continue Reading
April 14, 2023
Just wanted to give a huge shout out to our 3rd-5th grade studentsfor giving 100% on this week’s illuminate testing. They are just soamazing and worked so hard. Be sure to also celebrate with themat home, giving them a high…Continue Reading
April 14, 2023
Happy Friday.I wanted to remind everyone about our safety policies for morningand afternoon drop off. Please remember that you need to bedropping kids off on Quitman or Tufts and NOT the staff parkinglot. It is very dangerous to have families…Continue Reading
April 14, 2023
WOW! What an incredible turnout we had last night for Bingo.We will definitely be hosting another one very soon. If youwere unable to attend last night please fill out the BESSsurvey for your child.children. This survey really allows us tosee…Continue Reading
April 14, 2023
Happy Friday! I did want to let you all know that we did have a waterpressure issue today that lasted for about an hour. It wassomething that was happening outside of the building and DenverWater fixed the issue.We are having…Continue Reading
April 14, 2023
WOW! What a week with the snow day in the middle of the week, the kids were so confused as to what day it was yesterday and today. Please know we are doing everything we can to get our sidewalks…Continue Reading
January 19, 2023
Just a friendly reminder that we do not have school on Monday. Denver Public Schools will be representing our district in the Marade and are meeting at East High School at 9:00 am if you and your family would like…Continue Reading