Category: News

Winter BESS Screener

What is the DPS mental health screener? Please view this FAQ document to learn more about the BESS and universal mental health screening in DPS this year. You are encouraged to complete a short form to provide valuable input onContinue Reading

Kaiser Newsletter, January 12, 2024

Hello Kaiser Families,  I hope you all had a wonderful week! Please stay safe this weekend, it will be really cold. With the weather changing, please make sure you send your child with a coat, hat, gloves and boats soContinue Reading

Kaiser Newsletter, January 5, 2024

Happy Friday Kaiser Family!  Happy New Year We had a great week back and it was so great to see everyone after our winter break! Next week we have CSC at 4pm on Wednesday in our Professional Excellence Room andContinue Reading

Kaiser Newsletter, December 15, 2023

Hello Kaiser Families,  I can not believe we are entering Winter Break and ending 2023. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season and I wish you all so much happiness and love.  Our winter break will be from December 18-JanuaryContinue Reading

Kaiser Newsletter, December 8, 2023

Hello Kaiser Leopards,  We have a fun week planned for next week. Please find the Spirit Week flyer below and have your child/children show off there school spirit.  Parents, our amazing 3rd, 4th and 5th graders will be performing atContinue Reading

Kaiser Newsletter, December 1, 2023

Hello Kaiser Families,  I hope you all a wonderful and relaxing Fall Break and you were all able to do the things that fill your heart and soul. I truly can not believe it is already December!  Parents, are youContinue Reading

Kaiser Newsletter, November 17, 2023

Hello Families,  Wishing you all a wonderful Fall Break and a Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate. Please remember that there is no school  all next week and will start back on Monday November 27, 2023.  As winter approaches I alsoContinue Reading

Kaiser Newsletter, November 10, 2023

Hello Kaiser Families, We have a really exciting week next week. PTO will be hosting a Family Dinner on Monday. Please make sure that you RSVP to the event. We look forward to seeing you all there.  Also, please seeContinue Reading

Fall Spirit Week


Fall Fundraiser

We are officially kicking off our fundraiser with Charleston Wrap® – and we need YOUR help! To reach our goals and make this fundraiser a success, we need everyone to do their part. Luckily, it’s super easy! Attached to thisContinue Reading

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